Devon Dens

All Things Eco

Our Eco Ethos

Devon Dens is a people, planet and wildlife friendly site. We believe we all deserve a holiday, but not at the cost of the earth, so we’ve tried to create a place which is comfy, cosy and welcoming whilst at the same time having a lighter footprint. The eco cabins run off solar PV for power and we have a natural water filtration system for dealing with waste water.

Eco Cabins

Our two eco cabins have internal dry toilets instead of flushing loos (they don’t resemble any of those grotty festival toilets, honest! If you don’t believe us, read some of our glowing reviews) and we process all waste on site. The dry toilets get composted and turned into tree mulch and food waste gets turned into excellent enrichment for the raised beds and poly tunnel, which in turn feed guests – a fully circular process! In spring and summer, we have herbs and salad which guests can help themselves to. Truly eco cabins from every angle.

In the thirteen years since buying the land, we’ve cleared huge areas of willow and bramble, planted hundreds of hedging trees as well as lots of beautiful birch and created an edible hedge, a stumpery, cut flower beds as well as bee friendly banks.

We’ve created habitats for wildlife, with bird and dormouse boxes all being used by various feathered or furry tenants! Nuthatches, blackbirds, wrens, blue tits all spend time making nests and each year, a bat maternity roost returns to have their babies. In late winter the pond is full of frogs having some sexy time, leading to a mass of tadpoles some months later! We also have two Freedom hives – an alternative approach to beekeeping which just leaves the bees to their own devices.

We ask all guests to come expecting to share our eco ethos and we’re always happy to spend time discussing the how’s and who’s and why’s!

Wake Up To Birdsong

Tune into nature, listen to the owls and the stream.